Home: Menu mode: Unroll any directory browsing to get back to the base of the music collection.
Jog Dial: Menu mode: Move up and down the menu.
Song mode: Each click moves 4% through the song forward or back.
Artist: Not currently used.
Select: Menu mode: Select the current item.
Song mode: Play/Pause, returns to 1x play speed from FF or REW.
Album: Not currently used.
Play: Song mode: Play/Pause, returns to 1x play speed from FF or REW.
Genre: Not currently used.
Stop: Song mode: Pause and reset to the beginning of the song.
Favorite: Not currently used.
Next: Menu mode: Go down 10% in the menu.
Song mode: Next song in playlist.
Repeat: Menu mode: Bring up a repeat setting menu.
Song mode: Temp display of the current repeat setting.
Previous: Menu mode: Go up 10% in the menu.
Song mode: Previous song in playlist.
Shuffle: Menu mode: Bring up a shuffle setting menu.
Song mode: Temp display of the current shuffle setting.
Right: Menu mode: Right menu navigation if arrow shown on screen.
If FF/REW is enabled: Increase forward play speed (up to 8x) or decrease reverse play speed.
If FF/REW is disabled: (nothing)
Tag: Shutdown and restart openfi (not the whole DMP1). Used mainly for testing.
Left: Menu mode: Left menu navigation if arrow shown on screen.
If FF/REW is enabled: Increase reverse play speed (up to 8x) or decrease forward play speed if playing song. Returns to prev menu if song play is paused or stopped.
If FF/REW is disabled: Return to prev menu.
Eject: Turns faceplate on/off. Song play paused/restarted.
Preset: Not currently used.
Other: Disk eject button: Save all data and initiate a shutdown of the DMP1 to allow disk ejection.
Ignition lead off: Save all data and let the DMP1 shut itself down in 60 seconds.
Power: Turns the faceplate on or off. Hold for 10 sec. to perform a hard reset.